First I went to JImmy lewis's factory to order my new board, and then got 2 big bags full of oranges and avos , some lychees from his garden. he is always generous with his fruits.
Then at the post office , big box was waiting for me , it was from Fuji and Maki who I met couple weeks ago here and went standup paddling together. They sent box full of Japanese food that are hard to get on Maui. wow!
Also posters from my friend Higai , too, He has been my dear friend for a long long time and we went on many snowboard trip together , some of them are so memorable and intense.
he is one of my favorite photographer to travel with, easy going, super funny ( without even trying) shares same kind of values. and his work is always amazing!
I miss traveling with him! Anyways, he is publishing another photobook soon and released 3 amazing posters and sent them to me. I cannot wait to put themon the wall!
At the beach, Brett Lickle, another long time friend , mentor gave me this seird looking footstraps, called hammerhead straps. As name says it, it has a shape like hammerhead shark and it is supposed to make jibing easy, I tried out on my surfboard and it sure made it easy with the extra stuff sticking out on the both sides and you can hold your toe with it while you are jibing. kinda hard to explain . I will try it out on bigger days and see how I like it.
Brett is the guy who is always thinking new inventions and ideas for as long as I know.( I am sure he has been that way since he was a child)
the system you can skate in the house like you are ramp skating, Surfball which builds your balance, lots of little things to inprove kite accesaries, oh yeah lots of early tow-in improvement came from him, too.
Then I bought a car, I had been looking for one for a while after I got my car smashed from behind, it is another Maui cruiser( beater) but seems like this guy took a good care of it and I hope I can have agood relationship with this van for a long time.
Anyways, felt like I got so many things today, felt like X'mas!
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