Anyways, I bumped into Michi on the water and he said there are already more signups than last year and usually people don't sign up till the day before so it will be a big race tomorrow and the wind is supposed to be as strong as today.

So I went to the gym for a little bit to work on the same boring excercise before I went paddling.
Southside is completely flat so Kana called for downwinder. Tomo, Kana and I went out from Maliko and as we were paddling down motoko and Hide saw us and sailed close to us at Hookipa. palyed around like dolphins would do to boats. pretty cool.
It was good sideshore and strong wind and I am starting to feel stronger again. what a fun way to get excercise! I cannot imagine how I was dealing the flat summer without downwinder in the past.
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