Girls trip is always fun, especially it is all the girls who loves to windsurf . kite, surf. play all kinds of outdoor activities. I knew most of the girls who came but many of them didn't know each other. I was looking forward to introducing thembecause I knew they would have a great time together, sure enough, we had a blast and pushed and inspired each other the whole time.
Every one of the girls inspired me in various ways and I feel energized by hanging out with them. Thanks girls for all the good times! and all the guys who joined us, thanks for all the support and putting up with our craziness!
I am pretty sure we will do this girls trip again next year.

This is when we went for mussels picking, we biled it and everyone loved them! but we probably should have turn around and paid attention to the surf, haha. Surfing was great as well.
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