What I love the most in Baja is how simple every day is and you don't have to deal with crowd in the water.
Every day we wake up before dawn, and I would get coffee and walk to the point to check out surf, and then watch sunrise.
if the surf is good and glassy, I would take my board and go out till it gets windy.but this trip we didn't have as many glassy days as I was hoping. Still I had handful of days that were very memorable fun with noone around or just couple others. That is a big treat for someone like me who is always worry about the crowd on Maui.
If it is a good condition, I have trouble finding time to eat because as soon as I get outof water, I would want to set up my kite gear and go back out. but usually I would eat a little , go for a stroll and talk stories with neighbor campers and then go kiting in the afternoon.
between kiting and surfing, I have time to walk along the beach to pick up shells, read books, make jewelry, sitting by the camp site, cook some good meals and getting to know new neighbors who are as much of freaks as I am and always have interesting stories. camping in the dirt with no water, electricity, no stores for months just to get some good riding reqires some paticular characters, I think.
It's not everyone's dream trip that is for sure but for us who keep coming back here, this place has everything we love, quality surf, no crowd, clear sky, beautiful sunrise and sunset ,handful of good fun people .
I just love the simplicity being here!
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